What is a brain tumor and what are the risk factors?

A brain tumor is an uncontrolled and irregular cell growth in the brain. Our skull has a limited amount of room. As a result, the extra growth inside our brain puts more strain on the inside of our skull, potentially causing life-threatening problems and brain damage.

Tumors may also be classified as benign or malignant. They are not cancerous and can't spread to other areas of the brain or body. Malignant tumors are cancerous tumors that develop out of control and can spread to other areas of the body.

Uncontrolled cellular replication causes tumors. A modification or mutation in our DNA causes this. This mutation affects genes that regulate cell division and cause cells to die at the appropriate times, causing cells to develop uncontrollably and resulting in brain tumors.

A brain tumor surgery is more likely to grow if you have a number of risk factors. Here are some of them:

  • Ionising radiation from radiation therapy, X-rays, and CT scans may all cause radiation exposure. Power lines, nuclear power stations, mobile phones, and cell phone towers are all potential sources.

  • Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases the chances of getting those types of brain tumors.

  • Family History: While rare, certain forms of brain tumors may be passed down through the generations. If a lot of people in your family have had brain tumors, you're more likely to get one as well.

  • People who have had cancers as children, such as leukemia, are more likely to develop brain tumors as adults. Adults that have had cancers may be at an increased risk of developing brain tumors, but further research is required to confirm this from a brain tumor specialist.

Wrapping Up

To avoid swelling in your brain and ears, you will be held in an elevated position after surgery. To ensure that you heal easily, your doctor will also provide you with a comprehensive diet and wellness plan. In addition, the doctor will advise you on how to care for the surgical wound.

Diet and nutrition play a big role in how well you heal from a brain tumor operation. Eating nutritious, balanced food will help you recover faster and avoid problems such as high blood sugar or constipation. For more consultation on brain tumor surgery, you may get in touch with Mr. Ivan Bhaskar


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