Can’t find the right surgeon for your complex spine surgery in Melbourne?
If the discomfort prevents regular lifestyle activities and has not responded to a cautious treatment plan, we don't recommend any spine surgery procedures. You should think of surgery at that point as the first step in the process of healing and rehabilitation. It may help to ease the pressure on the spinal nerve(s) and, in doing so, help to relieve the pain. It can also enable you to start the process of regaining some of the lost mobility in your limbs. With a 75-90 percent success rate, the success rates of cervical and lumbar procedures are mostly favourable. Most patients will have major changes in their function after surgery (ability to perform regular everyday activities) and markedly decreased pain and discomfort levels. The procedure of a complex spine surgery Through conducting the procedure, the surgeon has the experience and expertise to fix physical defects; the recovery will be assisted by him and the rest of your complete spine care team. The advantages of spine su...